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Updated: Mar 28, 2023

First of all thank you for visiting the site. Alongside human performance, writing has always been a passion of mine. Now through this website I'll be able to combine the two and communicate my thoughts to a wider audience. I will be covering everything under the health and wellness umbrella, explaining subjects as best I can in a digestible fashion. I will also step outside of that umbrella and speak on mental health, my thoughts on spirituality, the world, and other subjects that I feel need a light shined upon. Each post will leave you with a shift in perspective, newfound understanding of something, or both.

In the following couple of paragraphs I just want to touch on the three aspects of training I feel are most important:


I view the physical aspect as a mountain. Wide base, high peak. The base is where your stability, mobility, and coordination are all fine tuned. We want that as wide as can be. Your strength, speed, power, etc are then built upon that and upon each other. This is accomplished through various other means of stress and stress management. The culmination of these different attributes stacked upon each other allow you to express yourself through movement at the highest level. Your peak.


Ah the mental. This is an area of training that gets brushed under the rug since it has nothing to do with barbells or sprints. Physicality in sports has never been higher. People are running faster, jumping higher, and doing so at sizes we never thought possible. With all things being equal physically, what do you think separates the elite from each other? Their mentality. Elite athletes know how to deal with stress, how to prepare pre/intra/post competition, how to nurture confidence. These are things the youth need to be aware of at an early age in order to become elite athletes down the road.


When I say spiritual I don't mean believing in ghosts, witches or magic. I'm talking about a belief that there is something out there greater than you. Whether that's God or the purple spaghetti monster it doesn't matter. During the storms that will inevitably crash upon your shores, you will need that belief to pull you through. Your spiritual journey will keep you hopeful and grounded during the dark times, and creative and curious during the good.

In my eyes, these three aspects together create not only a well rounded athlete, but a well rounded human. Reflect on your physical, mental, and spiritual health. Are you doing everything you can to meld them in harmony? Fostering one more than another? You can always start back at zero and change. It's never to late.


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